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Berry Trifle

Cue the fireworks, family gatherings, and good food❤️💙🤍

We’re celebrating our USA friends with this 4th of July red, white, and blue Berry Trifle. End your long weekend with a bang and treat yourself to a plant-based, berry bursting dessert topped with a delicious granola crumble.

Trifle (fills 3 jars)
Whipped Cream
  • 1 can of vegan whipping cream
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla
  • 1 tbsp maple syrup (optional)
  1. Bake your favourite vanilla cake in a 8x8 pan, set aside to cool completely.  Once cooled, cut the cake into small rounds. 
  2. Slice rounds in half. Make sure they fit into the jars you decide to use!
  3. To make whipped cream, scoop cream into a deep sided bowl, add vanilla and maple syrup.  Use an electric hand mixer to whip cream into soft peaks.
  4. Layer fruit, granolas, cake and whipped cream into jars.  Top with fresh mint and chill in the refrigerator until ready to enjoy!