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Strawberry Sundae Parfait

 Perfect for any Spring fête this season! Enjoy this dairy free, gluten free treat as an indulgent additional to any brunch or breakfast or a delightful dessert. Filled with antioxidant rich strawberries and balanced with healthy fats and fibre from the Grain Free Strawberry Granola layers, the whole gang will love them! 

Strawberry Sauce
  • 1 cup frozen strawberries
  • 1tsp maple syrup
  1. The night before you make the ice cream, slice the bananas and spread out on a parchment lined cookie sheet and place in the freezer.
  2. When ready, add banana coins to a food processor.  With frozen strawberries, maple syrup , arrowroot starch and vanilla.
  3. Process until smooth and creamy.  Transfer ice cream into a container with a lid and place in the freezer for 1 hour.  
  4. Add Rawcology Strawberry Grain Free Granola, fresh sliced strawberries and strawberry sauce.
  5. For the sauce: Add strawberries into a small saucepan over medium heat. Cook until soft stirring often. Mash strawberries with a potato masher and add maple syrup.  Cook for 5 more minutes over low heat.  Remove from heat and our into a heatproof jar. Enjoy!