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Simple Herb Tomato and Olive Summer Salad

Rawcology Inc | Simple Herb Tomato and Olive Summer Salad When local tomatoes are in season, and so juicy and flavourful, a simple salad like this is exactly what we’re craving. 😍🍅 Get out the good olive oil, some fresh basil, arugula and enjoy! 🌿

Tomato Benefits
Tomatoes are loaded with many health benefits. They contain vitamin C, an important factor in the synthesis of collagen; vitamin K, which helps strengthen bones; vitamin A, supports immunity, promotes good eyesight and healthy tissue, and potassium, a key mineral that helps regulate fluid balance, nerve signals and muscle contractions. Tomatoes contain Lycopene, which is the most potent antioxidants among dietary carotenoids. These carotenoids are extremely protective against breast, colon, lung, skin, and prostate cancers. It has also been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease, cataracts, and diabetes. Lycopene helps prevent these diseases by neutralizing harmful free radicles before they can do damage to the cell structure.




  1. Slice heirlooms in ¼ inch thick slices and halve cherry tomatoes.
  2. Place arugula on bottom of a larger serving plate and arrange tomatoes on top.
  3. Tear basil and scatter on top of the tomatoes.
  4. Drizzle with olive oil.
  5. Sprinkle with salt and cracked pepper.
  6. Break up the Smoky Cheeze Coconut Chips and scatter over the salad. Enjoy!

Rawcology Inc | Simple Herb Tomato and Olive Summer Salad