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 Ingredients & Recipes for Glowing Skin

Glowing Skin Health Food Tips for Skin Rawcology Plant Based Nutrition

Glowing skin starts from within. There are so many amazing foods that can help your skin glow, and that is why we focus on nutrition when it comes to achieving a radiant complexion. Show your skin the love it deserves by incorporating Rawcology’s top favourite 5 foods into your diet.

Raw Cacao contains flavonoids that work to increase blood flow to the skin’s surface. Increased blood flow will promote cell regeneration, ultimately giving your skin that glow. Find Raw Cacao in our Chocolate Grain Free Granola.

Matcha holds special antioxidants known as EGCG and polyphenols, these super antioxidants contain anti-inflammatory properties which help to revitalize dull skin. Enjoy a healthy handful of matcha in our Matcha Latte Superfood Coconut Chips

Pumpkin Seeds contain the mineral Zinc. Zinc is an essential mineral to help naturally produce collagen and elastin. It also reduces bacteria which can lead to inflammation and can help repair the skin. Find sprouted pumpkin seeds in all our Grain Free Granolas.

Chia Seeds are rich in Fiber and Omega 3 Fatty Acids. A rich fiber content means they absorb and retain water, making these little seeds a powerful hydrator for dry skin. Omega 3’s help to reduce inflammation and strengthen the skin barrier. Find chia seeds in lots of plant powered recipes!

Berries are full of antioxidants, which are natural compounds that help fight cell-damaging free radicals. Eating a diet rich in antioxidants provides your skin with radiance and helps to reduce premature aging. Our Blueberry Grain Free Granola contains wild blueberries and açai berries for a potent antioxidant boost. 

Recipes to help boost skin health:

Matcha Smoothie Bowl

Chocolate Chia Parfait

Berry Smoothie Bowl